Promise to Make Mistakes

The restaurant is crowded and noisy. The man is sitting by the window and is watching the gray sky, bored like every Monday morning. Suddenly, he turns and she's there in front of him. Eyes full of amazement and embarrassment, he is betrayed by the trembling of fingers that grab his bag. It had been years since the last day he saw her; the day she left. Without an explanation, without a reason, she broke his heart. They have both rebuilt their lives since then, but only now he realizes he has not stopped loving her for even a second. So when she tries to run away from him, too shocked by emotions, the man decides to stop her. In their embrace, among the passers-by, they fall in love again. He loves her. Forever.
This would appear to be the end, but it is only the beginning of their history.Every gesture, every letter you write, every person you meet, has a universe to tell. Love is the thread that ties everything together.How many times have we asked ourselves if something is made of the love from which we were born? How did we feel the first time our father held us in his arms? The greatest thrill is to regain what has been lost and love again, as if for the first time.