HERE I AM, the Most Beautiful Word in the World

Marina Mander

HERE I AM, the Most Beautiful Word in the World


Year: 2023

Pages: 160

When friendship hurts, love eludes, parents disappoint and classmates bully, all you want is someone by your side. Thirteen-year-old Giulia feels terribly alone, trapped in a body that is changing without her consent. In this tragicomic monologue, her emotional vicissitudes are laid out without a filter, and when she can’t find the words to express herself, she makes them up. Disoriented by her first menstruation, unrequited love, and her clueless parents, Giulia turns to her best friend Lea, who is far from reliable. She will ultimately learn the best and only person to turn to is herself.
A coming-of-age novel with a unique and engaging voice.

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Author's Bio