Novelist Anne Perry died on 10th April 2023
Aprile 14, 2023

Anne Perry, internationally bestselling author, died aged 84 on 10th April 2023.
It’s with enormous sadness that Ki Agency, in association with the Donald Maass Literary Agency in New York and Ken Sherman & Associates in Los Angeles, announce that our friend and client Anne Perry passed away on 10 th April 2023.
Anne was mainly known for her acclaimed crime novels featuring Charlotte and Thomas Pitt, and William and Hester Monk. Various of these appeared in the bestseller lists of The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, der Spiegel and Livres Hebdo.
Over 25 million copies of Anne's books have been sold worldwide. She is noted for her memorable characters and historical accuracy, but most of all for her exploration of social and ethical issues.
Anne’s agents said, “Anne was a loyal and loving friend, and her writing was driven by her fierce commitment to raising awareness around social injustice. Many readers have been moved by her empathy for people backed into impossible situations, or overwhelmed by the difficulties of life. Her characters inspired much love among her fans, and comforted many readers who were going through tough times themselves.”
Anne is survived by her brother Dr. Jonathan Hulme and his family.