The Curse of Ariadne

Sara Benatti

The Curse of Ariadne

Sperling & Kupfer

Year: 2024

Pages: 336

A reinterpretation of the legend surrounding Ariadne, who ultimately became immortal by marrying the wine god Dionysos. An epic story of female independence.

Ariadne, daughter of Minos and the cruel ruler of Crete has always been considered a helpless object unable to choose her own destiny, a commodity to be sold to the highest bidder. That is why, when the handsome, lovestruck Theseus arrives to renegotiate the terms of Ariadne’s subjugation, she agrees to run away with him, taking her mother, Pasiphae, and her younger sisters with her to save them from her father’s abuse. It turns out that Theseus wants to kidnap the princess to use her as a hostage. The two are discovered and locked up in the labyrinth guarded by the monstrous Minotaur.

In this vast underground structure, full of secret passages and hidden levels beneath the island, Ariadne and the women are left to rot while Theseus reveals his most brutal nature. Ariadne can only rely on her resources outside the labyrinth if she wants to gain her freedom.

When I started writing this novel, no one was talking about it,
but I challenge anyone to find a woman who
hasn’t had some experience with male molestation or intimidation.
It affects us all.
I wanted to give voice slaves, the poor and women,
those silenced by history and abused by the powerful.

Sara A. Benatti

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Turkey (Minoa & Marem Nostram)

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