From a physical point of view, today's 60 is yesterday’s 40. The fearful turning point is no longer the beginning of the end. Indeed, for many, it is the golden age when "everything is possible", a time of freedom and joy. The beginning of a new life. Just flip through the pages of any magazine, and you will find Sharon Stone, Madonna, Andie MacDowell, Michelle Pfeiffer are all divas born in 1958, the year the contraceptive pill was marketed in the United States, while Brigitte Macron, the French Première Dame and an icon of style and feminine energy, at 65 boasts a handsome husband years younger. Sixty is a time of laughter, a decade in which irony and humor is an expression of independence, self-confidence and irony.
Of course, there are guidelines to be followed, which involve eating, breathing, moving, dressing and sleeping in ways that best eliminate evil aging toxins. Donne 6.0 reveals the secrets of those who have successfully battled the much feared decade. Daniela Fedi and Lucia Serlenga, two formidable sixty year olds themselves, offer pages of entertaining information and expert advice to preserve the vitality, beauty and health of youth. This book is a tale, a manual, a testimony and a veritable manifesto of female redemption. The guide for women of all generations because "aging is inevitable, becoming unforgivable senile".